Tony Blair's warning and the Blairite agenda to push the Labour party into the centre territory proves just how out of touch with the votership the Labour party has become. In recent years the Labour party has attempted to steal Conservative voters, meanwhile alienating the unions and the base of the working class that drew them to power in the first place. Blair's government won a landslide victory for it's left wing promises, 'Education, Education, Education!' but instead delivered the right wing bullshit we are used to from the Conservatives. The disappointment with the 180 turn of the Labour party is part of their failure now, combined with the uncharismatic leadership of Ed Miliband and the lack of faith in him compared to his more right wing brother.
Labour faces another turning point in it's history where it could either go back to it's roots as the party for the left wing or face another loss trying to appeal to right wing voters. The former was on the cards in recent weeks, with Jeremy Corbyn, an outspoken left wing Labour representative, who has gained traction with his quick wit and ripostes towards Conservative 'statistics'.
Unfortunately, supporters of Corbyn have reintegrated the Labour 180 into their internal politics, and claimed that they 'nominated him because they wanted the wider debate' and not because they wanted to vote for him.
It is no coincidence that this turnaround seems to have stemmed from Tony Blair's opinions on the matter and it is ridiculous that the former prime minister can still make Labour party members quake in fear at the thought of voting for someone he doesn't support. Labour's internal politics are becoming more ridiculous than Blair's appointment as peace envoy (where he achieved nothing) in a region that he continuously worked as Prime Minister to destabilize.
Labour continues to amaze me with it's bad decisions and with no clear left wing, the only thing that is clear is that the UK will have another Conservative government. For some it's a good thing.
For the rest of us, not so much.
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