Monday, 11 May 2015

The 'changing political landscape': Why I'm angry and why you should be too.

We thought that Great Britain was changing, that this election would be the catalyst in a Britain that would finally work for the good of the people. We were wrong, instead we are lumbered with a Conservative government that has already, in the 4 days since the election, appointed Michael Gove, a man who believes in capital punishment as the Justice Secretary. Not only has David Cameron appointed this man who made the teaching unions so angry he was removed as Education Minister, he has already pushed his agenda to abolish the human rights act in the UK, and replace it with a sinister 'British Bill of Rights.' 

Protests have ensued, unplanned, large and loud. These protests are controversial, I myself don't know exactly where I stand. On the one hand, I am fiercely opposed to any type of Tory government, but on the other hand, they were 'democratically' elected. We shouldn’t be protesting the Conservative government as a whole, but instead we should be seeking to reform the ridiculous first past the post voting system that exists in this country. Many are calling for a system of proportional representation, but even that is flawed and ludicrous. Many people I’ve spoken to are fed up and at a loss with the current system and there is growing fear that democracy really doesn’t work. We as a country have had so many bad governments of late that we don’t know who to vote for. This election was meant to change that.

I've had many conversations with young people, completely incredulous at the Conservative win and their demographic tends to be far more liberal, but as with the last general election, there is a strange and sneaky Conservative majority that brings itself out of the woodwork only to disappear as they've established a government.

What didn't help the left wing in the latest election was the entirely unfair tactic of paying off newspapers to try to convince voters. Strategies like that should be illegal, and it only goes to prove once again that Conservative tactics are dirty.

Maybe all of these people are wrong though, maybe the Conservatives really do care about a common good in the UK, maybe they care about helping the poor and not the rich.

Don't hold your breath though, it's incredibly unlikely.

In the end all that matters what we do about it.

I leave you with undeniable proof of the true Conservative agenda.

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