Monday, 12 January 2015

Police on our streets/Justice for the Dead.

I got off at my usual stop and stepped into the dreary rainy scene that London becomes at this time of year. I've been away from University for the length of the Christmas holidays, as have most people, and I was almost looking forward to coming back, seeing my friends, learning from great people. But on this very dreary day, typical of England something shocked me.
Armed Police.
Now, those of you in America might not be at all surprised by this shocking revelation, but us Brits are a less dramatic folk and the guns only tend to come around when there's a serious threat.
I can't say I've had the luck to never see any armed police, but usually they are hidden from view, bundled in the back of a red van or even sometimes a typical police car. What shocks me about seeing a young man wearing a uniform and carrying a pistol is that the guns only tend to come around when there is a serious threat.
Does that mean I'm under threat? At my University?
I shouldn't be worried, at least they're out here protecting us right?

Whilst we tighten our protection on the streets of our own country, the hideously unreported incidents in the Middle East and Africa continue to go exactly that, unreported. We Brits, we Europeans, we The West as we've been titled, only seem to care about ourselves, and that's disgusting. Seventeen people are killed in Paris, and the outcry is huge. Hundreds are murdered in Nigeria and kidnapped schoolgirls are used as pawns in 'suicide' bombings and from the media we hear nothing, silence. In our stupidity we blame an entire religion of over a billion people, all the while our mistakes in Iraq are having repercussions across the globe.

All the while this is happening our media continues to run the story: 'Is British Islam more extreme than our government wants to admit.'
No it's not.
As I said in my previous post, two people don't stand for an entire religion, but we as The West need to stand for ourselves. Prove that we deserve the power we have, and help the people who are in need instead of ignoring them like children fighting in the sand pit.

We don't need police on our streets, enforcing a defence against a threat that barely exists.
We need to unify ourselves and think about someone else for a change.
It seems I'm always writing about the 'war on terror' nowadays, it's becoming more a war on selfish idiocy.

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